July 29, 2022

Algas (SciCast #495)

Algas (SciCast #495)

Algas são uma das grandes fontes do oxigênio na nossa atmosfera e a base da teia alimentar oceânica, mas entender algas é mais difícil do que parece. Afinal, não são plantas. Mas se não são plantas, são o que? Bactérias? 

Como as algas evoluíram? Como usamos algas em nosso dia a dia?



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Produção Geral: Tarik Fernandes e Fernando Malta

Equipe de Gravação: Tarik Fernandes, Marcelo de Matos, Natalia Nakamura, Bruna Karla Santos, Caio Ferreira, Werther Krohling, Rita Kujawski

Edição: TalknCast

Citação ABNT: Scicast #495: Algas. Locução: Tarik Fernandes, Marcelo de Matos, Natalia Nakamura, Bruna Karla Santos, Caio Ferreira, Werther Krohling, Rita Kujawski. [S.l.] Portal Deviante, 29/07/2022. Podcast. Disponível em: https://www.deviante.com.br/podcasts/scicast-495


Vitrine: Bioluminiscencia en la playa de Big Manly en Auckland, Nueva Zelanda, en enero de 2021 (Matthew Davison)

Capa: Microscopic Diatoms by Klaus Kemp

Referências e Indicações

 Kennedy, Jennifer. “What Are the 3 Types of Sea Weed (Marine Algae)?” ThoughtCo, ThoughtCo, 13 Sept. 2017


Creed, J.C., Vieira, V.M.N.C.S., Norton, T.A. et al. A meta-analysis shows that seaweeds surpass plants, setting life-on-Earth’s limit for biomass packing. BMC Ecol 19, 6 (2019). https://doi.org/10.1186/s12898-019-0218-z

Bast, Felix. (2014). An Illustrated Review on Cultivation and Life History of Agronomically Important Seaplants. 

Harris, C., K. Matsuda, and D. Sattelle. 2013. Dr. Kathleen Drew-Baker, “Mother of the Sea”, a Manchester scientist celebrated each year for half a century in Japan. Bioessays 35: 838-839.

Borowitzka, M.A. Microalgae for aquaculture : opportunities and constraints. J. Appl. Phycol., 9 (1997), pp. 393-401

 Mélo, R.C.S.; Santos, L.P.D.S. ; Brito, A.P.M. A.D.A.; Gouveia, Marçal, C. ; Cavalli R.O. Use of the microalga Nannochloropsis occulata in the rearing of newborn longsnout seahorse Hippocampus reidi (Syngnathidae) juveniles. Aquac. Res., 47 (2015), pp. 266-275

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Salvesen, I.; Reitan,K.I.; Skjermo, J.  Microbial environments in marine larviculture : impacts of algal growth rates on the bacterial load in six microalgae . Aquac. Int., 8 (2000), pp. 275-287

Melis A, Zhang L, Forestier M, Ghirardi ML, Seibert M. Sustained photobiological hydrogen gas production upon reversible inactivation of oxygen evolution in the green alga Chlamydomonas reinhardtii. Plant Physiol. (2000);122(1):127-136. doi:10.1104/pp.122.1.127

Guiry MD. HOW MANY SPECIES OF ALGAE ARE THERE? J Phycol. 2012 Oct;48(5):1057-63. doi: 10.1111/j.1529-8817.2012.01222.x. Epub 2012 Sep 20. PMID: 27011267.

Science Direct overviews: Dinoflagelate, Alga, harmfull algal blooms

Chapman, R.L. Algae: the world’s most important “plants”—an introduction. Mitig Adapt Strateg Glob Change 18, 5–12 (2013). https://doi.org/10.1007/s11027-010-9255-9

Das, P., Khan, S., Chaudhary, A.K., AbdulQuadir, M., Thaher, M.I., Al-Jabri, H. (2019). Potential Applications of Algae-Based Bio-fertilizer. In: Giri, B., Prasad, R., Wu, QS., Varma, A. (eds) Biofertilizers for Sustainable Agriculture and Environment . Soil Biology, vol 55. Springer, Cham. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-030-18933-4_3

Yusuf Chisti (2008). “Biodiesel from microalgae beats bioethanol” (PDF). Trends in Biotechnology. 26 (3): 126–131.

Oladapo Martins Adeniyi, Ulugbek Azimov, Alexey Burluka, Algae biofuel: Current status and future applications, Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, Volume 90, 2018, Pages 316-335


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